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Dear (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter Members,

We need willing and able CYBER VOLUNTEERS who can share their knowledge and expertise as speakers in our cyber webinars, major events, communications, marketing, social media, discussion forums, membership and our Volunteer Outreach programmes:

Please send your volunteering ideas and speaking topics to volunteer @isc2chapter.sg or sign-up here!




The (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter's Cyber Volunteers conduct CYBER TIPS Workshops for families, schools and charities.

The (ISC)2 SG CYBER TIPS Cybersecurity Awareness Workshops can help prepare you and your loved ones become safe, secure & responsible digital citizens.

  • Make cyber security concepts easier to remember by changing the way you see your virtual home.
  • Receive contextualized examples from (ISC)2 Safe & Secure Online (https://www.iamcybersafe.org) and our expert speaker's professional experience.
  • Find out how to safely navigate cyberspace by being more aware of the different dangers that lurk in your mobile apps, emails, websites, social media, games, and other virtual places.
  • Learn to think Out-of-the-Box and solve tough cyber challenges to win cool prizes!

Join us and help promote Cybersecurity Awareness in your community.

Contact: volunteer @isc2chapter.sg


FUN RESOURCES for the young ones!

Dear parents,

These are uncertain times for everyone and we want to help you. Keeping children entertained 24/7 with educational materials can be a challenge, that's why Center for Cyber Safety and Education has decided to provide Garfield Cyber Safety eLearning resources for every child.

Access now >>  https://iamcybersafe.org



Thinking of starting or just started a career in cybersecurity and you are looking for mentors who have been veterans in the field to provide you guidance on what you can do in this new exciting career? 

Introducing the (ISC)2 SG Mentorship Program in Singapore, we are calling for young talents who are seeking guidance in their new cybersecurity career. At the same time, we are also on the lookout for (ISC)2 SG veterans who are willing to provide domain expertise training to our young cybersecurity talents.

What are we looking for?

    • Mentees: (ISC)2 SG Chapter member, who are least 20 years old, Polytechnic/University students or working adults who are new or intend to embark on the cybersecurity career.

    • Mentors: (ISC)2 SG Chapter members, who are experienced and certified cybersecurity professionals.

    Period of mentorship

    6 months mentorship.

    Value Proposition for Mentees

      • Ability to achieve a set goal, investment in self development guided by a senior professional. 

      • Active steps in upskilling themselves and getting ready for their next step professionally.

      • Ability to be connected with cybersecurity professionals.

      Value Proposition for Mentors

        • Develop coaching and leadership skills to efficiently groom future talent.

        • Personal branding as “mentor” to lift your professional profile. 

        • Learning from younger talent during interactions.

        Eligibility criteria for Mentees

          • Mentee to be physically based in Singapore at the time of application and throughout the mentorship programme. 

          • Mentee to be a Polytechnic or University student or working adult at least 20 years old. .

          • Mentee to be an (ISC)2 SG Chapter member in good standing at the time of the application and throughout the programme.

          • Mentee to be committed to start and complete the programme, attend the briefing, checkpoint and completion meetings; and schedule at least 3 (recommended up to 6) meetings with their mentor (virtual or face to face).

          • Mentee to be willing to give back to the (ISC)2 SG Chapter and Community after completing the Mentorship programme.

          Eligibility criteria for Mentors

            • Mentor to be physically based in Singapore at the time of application and throughout the mentorship programme. 

            • Mentor to be an (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter member in good standing at the time of the application and throughout the programme.

            • Mentor to be committed to start and complete the programme, attend the briefing, checkpoint and completion meetings; and make time for at least 3 (recommended up to 6) meetings with their mentee (virtual or face to face).

            • Mentor to be willing to give back to the (ISC)2 SG Community after completing the programme.

            If you are interested to participate in the program, please fill up our (ISC)2 SG Mentorship Program Interest Registration Form and contact our (ISC)2 SG Mentorship Team. Please note that both mentees and mentors are selected on a first-come-first-serve basis and acceptance into the program is decided by the (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter Committee members. 

            Contact: mentorship @isc2chapter.sg

            Upcoming events

            • 7 Jan 2022 1:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


              HAPPY NEW YEAR!  In 2021, the (ISC)2 SG Volunteer Outreach Team has been conducting the Cyber Tips for Families Cybersecurity Awareness Programme for schools, families, communities, charities and industry organizations.  The learning materials were developed over the years using contextualized (ISC)2 materials, industry best practices and local resources.  Fun and gamification elements have also been included for different stakeholders by using Cyber videos, Kahoot! Quizzes, Garfield comics and other cool prizes for the participants. The following Cyber Tips sessions have been scheduled during the past year:

              • TKGS (Tanjong Katong Girls' School)
              • Dads for Life (15 Singapore schools represented)
              • Yumin Primary School
              • Gan En Seng Primary School
              • Cantonment Primary School
              • Healthcare Cybersecurity Essentials for Clinics
              • Cyber Career Talks
              • Several other schools and volunteers have also expressed their interest in the Cyber Tips programme.

              As part of CSA's (Cyber Security Agency of Singapore) initiatives, (ISC)2 SG Volunteers have answered the call of the Cyber Security Awareness Alliance for the SG Cyber Safe programmes such as the following initiatives:

              The (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter also initiated its Cyber Career Mentorship Progamme for those who have just started a career in Cybersecurity.  We have Volunteer Mentors who have been veterans in the field to provide Mentees with guidance on what they can do in this exciting new career.  The first batch of participants completed their Cyber Career Mentorship 2021 Programme over a period of 6 months and we are now ready for the next batch of Cyber Career Mentorship 2022 Programme participants.

              Thanks to the support of our current and former (ISC)2 SG Presidents and to our active (ISC)2 SG Volunteers who have recently helped share their time, knowledge and expertise with the community:

              • Louis Sin
              • Joseph Koh
              • Garion Kong
              • Alice Lee
              • Neha Malhotra
              • Melvin Leong
              • Zhou Zhihao
              • Anthony Lim
              • Alexandra Mercz
              • Cyril Tan
              • Anthony Dayrit

              For 2022, our new Volunteer Outreach Director, Anthony Dayrit, will be taking the helm of our current and future programmes.  (ISC)2 SG Chapter members who want to volunteer can contact us at volunteer@isc2chapter.sg with the subject "I Want to Volunteer" and a brief summary of your skills, interests and volunteering experience.  Thanks!


              Paolo Miranda

              Vice President

              (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter

            • 28 Oct 2021 11:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


              The (ISC)2 SG Volunteer Outreach Team has conducted another Cyber Tips for Families Cybersecurity Awareness Programme for Gan Eng Seng Primary School together with Melvin Leong. Fun and gamification elements have also been included for children, parents and teachers by using Garfield Cyber videos, Kahoot! Quizzes and Garfield comics goodies as prizes. Several other schools and volunteers have also expressed their interest in the Cyber Tips programme. There are also industry groups that have expressed interest in Healthcare Cybersecurity Essentials and AI.

              As part of CSA's (Cyber Security Agency) initiatives for Singapore Cyber Day 2021, (ISC)2 SG has provided short videos on Cyber Relationships and Cyber Career. The Cyber Relationships video focuses on Cyber Bullying with tips from Garfield and friends. The Cyber Career video highlights industry trends and opportunities as well as several cybersecurity professionals in their different roles.

              Thanks to the support of our former (ISC)2 SG President, Victor Yeo, and to our active (ISC)2 SG Volunteers who have recently helped share their time, knowledge and expertise with the community:

              • Melvin Leong
              • Zhou Zhihao
              • Louis Sin
              • Garion Kong

              The Mentors and Mentees of (ISC)2 SG Mentorship Programme Batch 2021 have recently completed their 6-month engagement with inspiring stories from some of the Mentors and Mentees.  Interested members can join future Mentorship intakes by signing up on our website:


              (ISC)2 SG Chapter members who want to volunteer can contact us at volunteer@isc2chapter.sg with the subject "I Want to Volunteer" and a brief summary of your skills, interests and volunteering experience. Thanks!

            • 9 Jul 2021 2:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


              The (ISC)2 SG Volunteer Outreach Team, led by Volunteer Outreach Director Paolo Miranda, has been conducting the Cyber Tips for Families Cybersecurity Awareness Programme for schools and charities.  The learning materials were developed over the years using contextualized (ISC)2 and local resources.  Fun and gamification elements have also been included for children, parents and teachers by using Garfield Cyber videos, Kahoot! Quizzes and Garfield comics goodies as prizes. The following Cyber Tips sessions have been scheduled during the past few months:

              • TKGS (Tanjong Katong Girls' School)
              • Dads for Life (15 Singapore schools represented)
              • Yumin Primary School
              • Several other schools and volunteers have also expressed their interest in the Cyber Tips programme.

              As part of CSA's (Cyber Security Agency) initiatives, (ISC)2 SG Volunteers have answered the call of the Cyber Security Awareness Alliance for the following SG Cyber Safe programme initiatives:

              • Baseline Mark & Trustmark Industry Consultation Forum as part of the cyber standards development process.
              • IMDA Digital Pods: Ask the Cyber Experts webinar series with over 230 participants.

              Thanks to the support of our (ISC)2 SG President, Victor Yeo, and to our active (ISC)2 SG Volunteers who have recently helped share their time, knowledge and expertise with the community:

              • Louis Sin
              • Joseph Koh
              • Garion Kong
              • Alice Lee
              • Neha Malhotra
              • Melvin Leong
              • Zhou Zhihao
              • Anthony Lim

              (ISC)2 SG Chapter members who want to volunteer can contact us at volunteer@isc2chapter.sg with the subject "I Want to Volunteer" and a brief summary of your skills, interests and volunteering experience.  Thanks!

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